SynMAX™ 2515 coolant is the workhorse of the family. It is ideal for use in job shops where a wide range of metals are machined. It provides superior machinability for heavy to moderate operations. SynMAX™ coolants benefit from a breakthrough technology to exceed emulsifiable oils and semi-synthetics in machinability on both steel and aluminum.
Recommended Starting Dilutions: |
Operations | Iron & Carbon Steel | High Alloy & Stainless Steels |
Tool Steels | Aluminum | Copper Alloys |
Grinding | 4% to 5% |
4% to 6% |
5% to 6% |
5% to 7% |
4% to 5% |
Milling, Drilling, Turning, Cut-off, Sawing, Screw Machining |
5% to 7% |
7% to 8% |
6% to 8% |
5% to 7% |
5% to 7% |
Tapping, Reaming, Broaching, and Form Milling |
5% to 7% |
8% to 10% |
8% to 10% |
8% to 10% |
5% to 7% |
For best results clean your sumps with JTM’s Sump Cleaner Max or BioClean Sump Cleaner. Add the coolant to the water, not the reverse. For best results use a coolant mixer/dispenser. Do not mix with other metalworking fluids without consulting ETNA Products first.
Refractive Factor 1.8
(Refractive reading x 1.8 = % of concentration of dilution)
Appearance: pH (Concentrate): pH (7% Typical Working Solution): Density (lbs/gal): Freeze/Thaw Stable: |
Clear |
ETNA Products 16824 Park Circle Drive, Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023 Phone: 800-229-3862 / 440-543-9845 Fax: 440-543-1789 Copyright ©2025 ETNA Products, Inc. KOOLRite and SynMAX are trademarks of ETNA Products, Inc. |